About Motate Media

Motate Media Team Leaders: Chuck and Connie Mathias

Chuck Mathias
Intercultural Designer &
Front-end Anthropologist

With a background in cultural anthropology and more than 10 years living in South Asia, Chuck brings a new perspective to design and design thinking.

Connie Mathias
Content Writer &

Connie is passionate about all forms of writing. She has an interest in cross-cultural communication, is the founder of Stories for Families and is enjoying the world of web content writing.


We work for you even after your site launches by offering regular checkups (at one, three, and six months), systematic backups, and free maintenance after launch.


We ensure full satisfaction with your website by checking back with you after the project has been completed. During this time we check to see how your site is performing using Google Analytics, and index your site with Google Webmaster Tools.


During scheduled checkups we also do a site backup. This ensures that if by some freak accident something happens to your site online, all will not be lost because you will have a backup copy.


Don’t like the wording on your home page? Perhaps that image is just not quite what you had in mind. Don’t worry! We understand that sometimes people want to make minor changes to their site after it’s been launched. That’s why we provide one month of free maintenance from the launch date of your site.



The number one complaint we hear in the design industry is in the area of communication. That’s why communication is our number one value. We promise to listen to you, and communicate with you along the way so that your not stuck wondering what we are doing.

Clean code

Sloppy code means a website will have less chance ranking near the top in Google searches, and dramatically reduces load time. That’s why we don’t use Dreamweaver, a program that produces sloppy code. We write all the code by hand, then review it to make sure it meets W3C standards.

Development Speed

Wondering if your web designer is even still working on you website is a problem all to common in the design world. Motate implies speed and efficiency, and that’s what we’re all about - getting the job done! We’ve streamlined our process so that we can tell you how long your website will take to complete, and bust it out in record time.


Let’s face it, first impressions mean a lot. That’s why you need a memorable website that meets the latest design standards and tends. The design needs to be unique, bold, and creative, not just a template with your content thrown in. While most other web designers these days are taking the easy route, using templates, we optimize our websites by adding a personal touch that drives people to your content, leaving them satisfied with a unique user experience.

The Extra-Mile

What’s going to convert possible clients into actual clients? The number of answers to that question are as vast as the number of companies in existence. Only when we put our heads together can we create a website that will produce your desired results. That’s why we ask your input along the way. Together we will make you stand out among your competitors, giving you the perfect edge to succeed!

Don’t invest without a plan!

If you are thinking about a website we would be delighted to help you, but realize no webdesigner, no matter how talented, can create a website geared just the way you want it without knowing what your wants and needs are. To discover them by answering the following questions:


why do you need a website?


who is your target audience/user?


what do you hope the user will do?


how do we get them to do this?


so...when should we get started?