
At Motate Media we to do things a little differently. You will find this portfolio is more than just a description of our work - it's an expression of our design philosophy. Instead of just showing you what we have done, we want to explain why.

Our Logo Design Philosophy

At Motate Media we are about simplicity. We are constantly defining the fundamentals as we seek to better serve our clients. We nailed down these four principles as our logo design philosophy.

  1. Your company logo should be not just memorable, but UNFORGETTABLE! We love logos that make people look twice and have layers of meaning.
  2. Your company logo should look good in color and in black and white! How will your logo look if it is photocopied? Make sure your branding sticks when the colors are washed away.
  3. Your company logo should look great really BIG, but also really small. Your logo should look great on a billboard, but also in a favicon (that tiny image in the browser tab.)
  4. Your company logo should capture the essence of your company. The words that describe your company should also describe your logo.

WEBSITE: The Divine Library:
Removing Menu to Highlight Call-To-Action

Website: www.thedivinelibrary.com

You have only a few seconds to impact visitors to your website and encourage them to take action. For thedivinelibrary.com, we worked with our client to take a somewhat unconventional approach to the home page. We removed all navigation on the page until the site visitor scrolls down the page. This makes sure that everyone who visits the site will focus their attention on the call to action. This may not be the approach for every site, but depending on what action you are leading the user to take this might be a great way to see results from your website.


WEBSITE: Mule Designs:
Movement, Animation and Culture

Remember the good old days of the internet? Flashing images. Scrolling text. Today we are much more subtle about movement. However, movement is an important consideration in design and is also highly influenced by cultural perceptions.

India is a place that is full of color and movement. I’ve heard other foreigners talk about “visual seasickness” when walking down the busy streets. One of our clients “outsourced” their design work from India to the States because they recognized the importance of culture in design. We took the whole movement thing seriously and created an animated header that would appeal largely to young, Indian professionals and entrepreneurs.